Welcome To Day One Of The

Audio-only Recording
Length: 27:12
Dr. Ross Greene says that kids do well when they can… when they can’t, it’s because of unsolved problems and lagging skills. Ross talks about why adult imposed consequences (time out, detention, spanking, etc) don’t work, and he demonstrates what parents can do instead. We asked Ross how he would work with a young teen who is having difficulty getting off a video game. You won’t want to miss his response!
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Dr. Kristin Neff addresses the myth that parents need to be harsh with their children in order to motivate them. Another cultural myth is that parents need to be harsh with themselves in order to keep themselves motivated. Self compassion is not self indulgent, narcissistic, nor does it promote laziness; in fact, the opposite is true. By being kind to ourselves we are better able to be kind to others and Kristen shows some simple ways we can be more compassionate in our everyday life.
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Oren Jay Sofer shows how we can talk with our kids–using mindful and nonviolent communication–to create connection. He demonstrates how we can give our kids more choice and have more closeness, even during a conflict, like asking a child to clean up their room. He even does a fun role play! And ge shares 3 simple tools for how we can bring our attention back to the present moment, so that we can respond consciously to our family members.
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Eve’s writing on empathy, burnout and compassion has appeared in peer reviewed journals as well as invited book chapters. She has been an invited speaker in Sao Paolo, Singapore and beyond. Eve is a regular practitioner of meditation, yoga and cold water surfing and brings her enthusiasm of living a rich emotional life into her teaching.
The research is clear–that it’s important for us to talk about emotions, to make sense of our feelings, and help our kids cope. But how do we do that? We asked Dr. Eve Ekman about how a frustrated parent can manage their feelings at the end of the day, and also how we help our kids to be more aware of their feelings. Eve also tells the story of how she and her father have collaborated with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Their project has been to increase global compassion by understanding our emotions. Eve and other researchers created a map so that adults (and now kids!) can understand their emotions and how they react to their feelings.
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Lynne has spoken at nationally, at TEDxWomen, and internationally. She writes for Psychology Today and hosts the Soul of Conflict Summit.
Conflict happens in families. Even if we ignore conflict; it doesn’t go away. How do we handle it? Lynne Maureen Hurdle says that when we willingly engage in conflict we learn not only about ourselves and others, but we also have an incredible opportunity to teach our kids to handle conflict too! She shares how she handles conflict in her family and how she has moved away the norms in her culture in order to become the parent that she wanted to be.
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