The Way of the Mindful Parent

Expert Advice To Calm Your Child’s Feelings, Solve Behavior Challenges, So You Can Enjoy Parenting
Own the entire conference forever!
Meet Your Speakers

Dr. Daniel Siegel

Psychiatrist, Author, Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute

Jessica Lahey

Educator, Speaker and Author of “The Gift of Failure”

Dr. Christopher Willard

Psychologist, Author of “Raising Resilience”

Dr. Laura Markham

Clinical Psychologist, Author, Founder of

Dr. Carrie Contey

Psychologist, Parenting Coach, Author

Dr. Mark Bertin

Pediatrician, Author of “How Children Thrive”

Dr. Lynyetta Willis

Licensed Psychologist, Author of the children's book “My Forgotten Self”

Michelle Gale

Mindfulness Educator & Author of “Mindful Parenting in a Messy World”

Dr. Michele Borba

Author of “UnSelfie”, Consultant, Speaker

Jennifer Miller

Author of “Confident Parents, Confident Kids”, Blogger, Coach, Expert to NBC Education Nation’s Parent Toolkit

Scott Noelle

Author of The Daily Groove and Founder of PATH Parenting

Susan Kaiser Greenland

Author of “The Mindful Child”, Creator of the Inner Kids program

Dr. Joseph Lee

Psychiatrist, creator of Mental Healthiness classes

Tosha Schore

Parent Coach, Co-author of “Listen: Five Simple Tools to Meet Your Everyday Parenting Challenges”

Leslie Potter

Psychotherapist, Parenting Coach

Aaron Schiller

Family and Business Life Coach, Co-Founder of WiseTech Ed

Deirdre Fay

Social Worker, Author of “Attachment-Based Yoga & Meditation for Trauma Recovery”

Leila Mireskandari

Founder of Kids' Growing City, Permaculture Designer

Luis Carlos Flores

Founder of Niños de Ahora

Sana Issa

Founder of Parenting With Love in London, Author of “When Our Souls Met”

Dr. Mary Barbera

Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Autism Mom, Author of “The Verbal Behavior Approach”

Patience Bleskan

Parenting Consultant, Educator, Doula

Sue DeCaro

Co-Founder of Building Connected Families, Parent Coach

Erin Taylor

Co-Founder of Building Connected Families, Parent Coach

Cecilia & Jason Hilkey

Founders of Happily Family, Educators, Social Entrepreneurs
This Conference is for you if:

- You want to use connection and communication to solve behavior issues
- You don’t want to resort to yelling, threats, or bribes with your kids
- You find yourself falling back into “unhelpful patterns”; you freeze or get stuck in power struggles
- You sometimes feel alone in your parenting
- You want balance, more happiness, and fun in your family!
Join tens of thousands of other parents, professionals, researchers, and authors sharing the science of parenting.
Get practical tools to make everyday family life easier.
This Conference is for you if:

- You want to use connection and communication to solve behavior issues
- You don’t want to resort to yelling, threats, or bribes with your kids
- You find yourself falling back into “unhelpful patterns”; you freeze or get stuck in power struggles
- You sometimes feel alone in your parenting
- You want balance, more happiness, and fun in your family!
Join tens of thousands of other parents, professionals, researchers, and authors sharing the science of parenting.
Get practical tools to make everyday family life easier.

Expert Advice To Calm Your Child’s Feelings,
Solve Behavior Challenges, So You Can Enjoy Parenting
Solve Behavior Challenges, So You Can Enjoy Parenting