Welcome To Day Four Of The

It’s natural–even helpful and energizing–for all children to have a little bit of anxiety, but a lot of anxiety is problematic. Dr. Dawn Huebner talks about how to know if our child is experiencing too much anxiety, what you can do to help them, and when to get professional support. Dawn says that too much accommodating and reassurance–things we might do to be compassionate–actually fuels anxiety, rather than resolves it. And she talks about what we can do instead, to help our children anxiety.
ADHD is a common developmental disorder, found around the world, and yet it is frequently misunderstood. Dr. Mark Bertin helps explain that kids with ADHD know what to do, but it’s hard for them to do what they know because of difficulties with planning, management, organization, and executive functioning. In this conversation, Mark talks about the stress ADHD creates for families, value of mindfulness and self compassion for parents, and he shares practical, positive ways to guide kids with ADHD.
Dr. Joseph Lee explains what is happening in the brain of a child with ADHD. He talks about why a child with ADHD might get focused on one thing (when he should be working on something else), why it’s difficult for him to engage in something that he doesn’t want to do, and why he forgets to do things. Joe shares 4 practical ways we can help kids with ADHD be more successful in school, home and life. And he also shares his view on medication for kids with ADHD.
Dr. Edward Hallowell gives parents, professionals (and kids themselves) language to find the “buried treasures” of ADHD. Ned shares about the strengths of kids with ADHD–the laser focus, tenacity, ingenuity, generosity, forgiveness, curiosity, and energy. Ned also shares about how to support kids with ADHD and gives practical advice in the areas of education, medication, coaching, structure and lifestyle.
Maria Davis-Pierre is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with extensive experience working with children on the spectrum and their families. Maria’s passion is being an autism advocate and she uses a strength based approach to help clients to develop solutions that they want in their lives. Her mission is to increase awareness of the impact culture can have on an Autism Spectrum diagnosis.
Even though Maria Davis-Pierre is a mental health counselor and is married to a physician, when she first got concerned about her daughter’s development it took a lot of time and effort to get a support that her daughter needed. Maria unfortunately experienced what a lot of parents of special needs children have experienced, especially parents in underserved communities. Maria shares her story and her advice about how to advocate for your child, to get the help that you need, and how to educate the professionals on your child’s team about your family’s culture.