Parenting With a Partner
Building Safety, Trust, and Connection
Are you struggling to feel connected to your partner during the challenges of parenthood?
Maybe you find yourselves butting heads over how to handle situations with the kids, or it feels like no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get on the same page.
You’re definitely not alone. Raising kids together is a true test of partnership, and keeping your connection strong while balancing the demands of family life can be very overwhelming.
What if you and your partner could learn new ways to parent as a united team, while growing together and supporting each other’s needs?
What if you knew how to tackle parenting and relationship conflicts in a way that feels productive and even joyful?
We brought together some of the top experts in relationships, parenting, and family dynamics to show you practical ways to strengthen your connection with your partner during parenthood.
These leaders in the field share:
- How to unlock a deeper connection by creating safety and trust.
- Simple communication skills to work through conflicts productively.
- The impact of self-awareness on your partnership and parenting.
- How to heal from past experiences to break generational cycles.
- Why we get triggered and how to help ourselves and each other.
- Tips for staying intentionally connected and intimate with your partner.
You can hear all of their wisdom, real-life experience, and research-based strategies in our new short course called “Parenting With A Partner: Creating Safety, Trust, and Connection.”
The insight and techniques you’ll hear from these experts will allow you and your partner to have tough parenting discussions without letting conflict drive a wedge between you.
You’ll learn how to nurture your relationship and grow stronger as a couple while providing a loving, secure foundation for your kids.
You’ll be able to approach the challenges of parenting with confidence, connection, and a shared purpose.
Juggling partnership and parenting isn’t easy, but the right tools and mindset can make a big difference.
Because when you feel good in your relationship with your partner…parenting feels a little more manageable.
Ready to feel more connected, supported, and confident with expert advice that actually works? Then this course is for you!
Let’s make parenting a little easier– together.

Are you struggling to feel connected to your partner during the challenges of parenthood?
Maybe you find yourselves butting heads over how to handle situations with the kids, or it feels like no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get on the same page.
You’re definitely not alone. Raising kids together is a true test of partnership, and keeping your connection strong while balancing the demands of family life can be very overwhelming.
What if you and your partner could learn new ways to parent as a united team, while growing together and supporting each other’s needs?
What if you knew how to tackle parenting and relationship conflicts in a way that feels productive and even joyful?
We brought together some of the top experts in relationships, parenting, and family dynamics to show you practical ways to strengthen your connection with your partner during parenthood.
These leaders in the field share:
- How to unlock a deeper connection by creating safety and trust.
- Simple communication skills to work through conflicts productively.
- The impact of self-awareness on your partnership and parenting.
- How to heal from past experiences to break generational cycles.
- Why we get triggered and how to help ourselves and each other.
- Tips for staying intentionally connected and intimate with your partner.
You can hear all of their wisdom, real-life experience, and research-based strategies in our new short course called “Parenting With A Partner: Creating Safety, Trust, and Connection.”
The insight and techniques you’ll hear from these experts will allow you and your partner to have tough parenting discussions without letting conflict drive a wedge between you.
You’ll learn how to nurture your relationship and grow stronger as a couple while providing a loving, secure foundation for your kids.
You’ll be able to approach the challenges of parenting with confidence, connection, and a shared purpose.
Juggling partnership and parenting isn’t easy, but the right tools and mindset can make a big difference.
Because when you feel good in your relationship with your partner…parenting feels a little more manageable.
Ready to feel more connected, supported, and confident with expert advice that actually works? Then this course is for you!
Let’s make parenting a little easier– together.

You’ll get all the videos and audios, full of simple and effective strategies for Parenting With A Partner.

Internationally respected couple's therapists, educators, speakers, New York Times bestselling authors, co-creators of Imago Relationship Theory and Therapy
- Discover how to create safety in a relationship (and why it is so important!)
- Learn how to talk about difficult topics, embrace differences, and connect like never before
- Hear their step-by-step method for having a ‘Safe Conversation’
- How to mirror, validate, and empathize for positive, productive dialogue
- Why the key to healthy communication during conflict is to get curious instead of being right

Cathy and Todd Adams
Co-hosts of the Zen Parenting Radio podcast, creators of the Annual Zen Parenting Conference, parents to three girls
Self Awareness in Parenting and Co-parenting
- How self-growth is the foundation of marriage and parenting
- Ways to ‘grow’ yourself into a more evolved partner and parent
- The importance of nurturing your partnership as the family foundation and modeling the relationship you want for your kids
- Simple ways to bring awareness into your relationships
- How to practice being in the present and loving “what is”

Dr. Carrie Contey
Parenting coach, speaker, and author specializing in prenatal and perinatal psychology
Parenting, Personhood & Partnership
- Learn the 4 Pillars of Parenting and how to apply them to your daily life
- Hear how raising kids is an opportunity to become more of ourselves
- The secret to becoming more abundant, passionate, conscious, happy, and healthy
- Ways to make the tough times better and the good times AMAZING

Dr. Nate Klemp & Kaley Klemp
Mindfulness and leadership experts, co-Authors of NY Times Editors Choice The 80/80 Marriage: A New Model For a Happier, Stronger Marriage
How The 80/80 Marriage Improves Partnership And Parenting
- Why to replace “50/50” score-keeping for the “80/80” approach in marriage
- How radical generosity can improve your relationship (and your sex life)
- Simple ways to show appreciation and give your partner the support they need
- How to apply the “80/80” mindset to all areas of your life

Cecilia and Jason Hilkey
Parenting coaches and creators of Happily Family, hosting virtual parenting conferences and classes that touch families around the world
Moving Beyond Your Baggage: Parenting With Your Partner
- Hear personal and candid stories about the healing journey in their own family and marriage
- How using self-awareness helps you to rewrite your story and parent differently than the way you were raised
- Learn ways to recognize when you're triggered and how to self-soothe
- Why our spouses and kids are often our biggest triggers AND the ones who help us heal

Eric Bowers
Counselor, artist, musician, poet, blogger, workshop facilitator, public speaker, and the author of Meet Me In Hard-to-Love Places: The Heart and Science of Relationship Success
The Heart and Science of Healthy Relationships
- Understand how your childhood experiences come up in your current relationships
- How to know when a part of you needs to be healed
- Becoming compassionately curious about triggers in your partner, yourself, and your kids
- Insightful ways to model healthy communication and boundaries

Dayna and Jason Abraham
Parents of a blended family, Dayna is a National Board Certified teacher with a background in Early Childhood and the Founder of Lemonlime Adventure
Parenting with a Partner When You Have a High Needs Child
- Hear a simple 4-step process to get on the same page with your partner
- The struggles and joys of parenting a blended family
- Why changing your partner actually starts with changing yourself
- Learn daily practices that prioritize connection and strengthen your relationship

Cathy and Todd Adams
Co-hosts of Zen Parenting podcast, creators of the Annual Zen Parenting Conference, parents to three girls.
Parenting With a Partner When Your Child is High Needs
- How to handle the added marital stress of raising a high-needs child
- Tips on how to prioritize between your relationship, your child’s needs, and your own needs
- What to do if you don’t agree with what your partner is doing
- Healthy strategies to get through parenting conflicts without ugliness

Dr. Ann Louise Lockhart
Pediatric psychologist specializing in treating ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, and medical diagnoses.
Highly Sensitive Kids: Regulation, Anger, and Screens
- Understand the unique needs of highly sensitive children and why you don’t want to “toughen them up”
- Why acceptance, not changing, is key to parenting sensitive kids
- How to help your child develop a secure attachment
- Discover the vulnerable feelings hidden beneath anger and how to empathize
- Tips for co-regulating your own emotions to help your kids regulate theirs
You’ll get all the videos and audios, full of simple and effective strategies for Parenting With A Partner.

For This Short Course, We Brought Together Some of the Top Experts in the Field

Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen Hunt
Dr. Harville Hendrix is a couple’s therapist with over 40 years of experience as an educator, clinical trainer, and lecturer whose work has been on Oprah 18 times. Dr. Helen Hunt is the author of Faith and Feminism and was installed in the Women’s Hall of Fame for her leadership in the global women’s movement. Dr. Hendrix and Dr. Hunt are the co-creators of Imago Relationship Theory and Therapy, available in workshops, training programs, lectures, seminars, and books, with over 1200 Imago therapists practicing in 37 countries. Their professional partnership has produced 10 books, including three NYT best sellers (Getting the Love You Want, Keeping the Love You Find, and Giving the Love that Heals) and their latest book, Making Marriage Simple (2013). Helen and Harville have been married for over 30 years, have six children, and reside in Dallas, Texas.

Cathy Adams
Cathy Adams is a self-awareness expert focused on parenting and the personal empowerment of women and young girls. She hosts the top-ten kids and family podcast Zen Parenting Radio with her husband Todd and created the Annual Zen Parenting Conference. She is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Parent Coach, Certified Elementary School Teacher, Certified Yoga Teacher, professor in the Sociology Department at Dominican University, and of several books including the Nautilius Award-winning book, Living What You Want Your Kids to Learn.

Todd Adams
Todd Adams is a coach and advocate for men supporting healthy masculinity, conscious relationships, and prosperous careers. He co-created the Tribe men’s group. He is a member of The Mankind Project, a staff member for the New Warrior Training Adventure, blogger for The Good Men Project, a certified instructor for the Institute of Heartmath, and a certified Life Coach through the Tony Robbins Coaching Program. He is the co-host of Zen Parenting Radio along with his wife, Cathy.

Carrie Contey, PhD
Dr. Carrie Contey is a parenting coach, speaker, and author with a background in prenatal and perinatal psychology offering a unique perspective on children, parenting, family life, and what it means to be a healthy, happy, whole human being. In her work with thousands of parents all over the world, she guides, supports, and inspires her clients to live with a wide-open and courageous heart so that they can approach parenting with both skill and spaciousness.

Dr. Nate Klemp
Dr. Nate Klemp is a writer, philosopher, and entrepreneur. He is the co-author of Start Here: Master the Lifelong Habit of Wellbeing, and The 80/80 Marriage, which he wrote with his wife, Kaley Klemp. He is the founding partner of one of the world's largest mindfulness media and training companies–Mindful.

Kaley Klemp
Kaley Klemp is one of the nation's leading experts on small-group dynamics and leadership development. She is a TEDx speaker and the author of three books, including The 80/80 Marriage which she wrote with her husband, Dr. Nate Klemp. Kaley has a M.A. in Sociology, with a focus on Organizational Behavior from Stanford University.

Eric Bowers is a counselor, artist, musician, poet, blogger, workshop facilitator, public speaker, and the author of Meet Me In Hard-to-Love Places: The Heart and Science of Relationship Success. Eric’s mission is to help people do the healing work that allows them to follow their dreams and deepest callings and build successful relationships in all areas of their lives. He believes that healing work is a potent source of energy, creativity, power, and beauty, and that the brightest of lights are waiting in the darkest of places.

Dayna Abraham
Dayna is a National Board Certified teacher with a background in Early Childhood and the Founder of Lemonlime Adventures. As a teacher she always figured out ways to love the most intense and challenging kids in her classroom. After becoming a mother herself and seeing her own child not “fit” into school, she chose to homeschool and help other parents, of challenging and intense kids, to find their own super powers. Her husband Jason, in addition to being IT support for Lemonlime Adventures, has a background in personal growth and mindset.

Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart
Dr. Lockhart is a Pediatric Psychologist who specializes in treating kids with ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, and medical diagnoses. She is Board Certified in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. She is the Founder and Owner of A New Day Pediatric Psychology.

Course creators:
Cecilia and Jason Hilkey
Cecilia and Jason are the founders of Happily Family whose mission is to connect parents of challenging kids to the understanding support, research-based tools, and expert guidance they need the most. They believe that parenting is one of the most rewarding, challenging, and transformative opportunities we have as humans. They’ve conducted over 250 interviews of parenting and education experts, authors, therapists, and researchers. They’ve presented at conferences, schools and businesses in the US and abroad. Since 2012, their online programs and events have reached more than 500,000 parents and professionals in over 200 countries. They are both Early Childhood Educators–Cecilia Hilkey, MA is a pediatric Occupational Therapist and Jason Hilkey has a degree in Math and Computer Science. They are the proud parents of three wonderful young adults (2 bio kids, 1 “adopted”).
- Full-length videos with closed captioning so you can watch at your convenience, on any device
- Audio recordings you can download and listen to at home, in the car, at the gym or wherever you like
- Option: Professionally-formatted transcripts of the sessions, to make review and action simple
You’ll get all the videos and audios, full of simple and effective strategies for Parenting With A Partner.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I have learned so much… that will benefit me, my marriage, my son, and my profession. Jason and Cecilia you are an absolute joy to watch. Your smile and enthusiasm for these topics is infectious.”
– Jessica
“I'm still learning to apply the skills I've been learning through your course… And my husband is even willing to check the course out… It has been quite healing for me. Thanks so much for your help and ongoing support through your fabulous course!”
– Anne-Marie
“Wow!! Incredible! I have laughed and cried! But most of all I have come away with such an amazing renewed sense of who I am as a mom and how to continue the journey that I honor and cherish day after day. Thank you so much!”
– Dana A.
“Thank you so much for all the valuable and insightful information. It is SO very comforting to know you are supported and never, ever alone on this life, parenting journey!! It’s people like you that make such a huge difference. Thank you for sharing and caring! May you stay well and be blessed.”
– Eli B.
“Hi Cecilia and Jason, I want to say a heartfelt thank you. [My parenting] is getting deeper, clearer, yet lighter. More bite-sized and digestible. It stays with me… There is no way around doing our deep inner work… I just had a meeting with my young son's teacher and middle school representative… I was able to show up in a warm and connected way, yet not shrink back from any of the potentially tough questions… I left the fear and charge behind and bought only openness and attention. I was most wonderfully supported by the modeling you and Jason did… Thank you! …With immense appreciation & love.”
– Katerina
“Can I just say Cecilia and Jason Hilkey and Happily Family is so awesome?! Thanks so much… You always ask the best questions and summarize in just the right way when I start to get confused.”
– Dr. Kirstin B.
“Dear Cecilia and Jason [this] was an absolute answer to my prayers!!! Thank you for choosing such great presenters. It was simply beautiful!!! Thank you!”
– Sharoya H.
“Thank you for all that you do!!! [This] has been stellar and I am so grateful to the speakers and for all the effort Jason and Cecilia and their team put in, to make it so impactful and meaningful!
With love and respect, a mom in Mexico, looking to get a little bit better every day! ”
– Alejandra G.
“From the bottom of my heart, thank you for enriching our lives and may all parents grow from strength to strength because of this knowledge. Love from South Africa.”
– Saleema D.
“Thank you so much for putting this… together! [It] has been like a warm hug filling me up with positive parenting and self-affirmation, hope, and so, so many great ideas to use in my and my family’s life. Really loving this all.”
– Karen K.
“I can’t remember how I stumbled upon this, but I’m so glad that I found it because it’s absolutely wonderful! I’m finding something valuable to learn and apply to my parenting and work with children from each talk. Thank you, Happily Family!”
– Candace H.

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You’ll get all the videos and audios, full of simple and effective strategies for Parenting With A Partner.