Tech-Healthy Kids
Digital Parenting for Emotional Health and Resilience
Parenting in the digital age is complex.
You may find yourself with a long list of questions that are difficult to find solid answers to, from “How much screen time is too much?” to “Will violent video games make my child violent?”
Plus, you’re probably wondering when is it appropriate for kids to have their own phone and access to social media, if all of this technology is impacting your child’s mental health, and how to keep kids safe from inappropriate content.
It can all weigh heavily on your shoulders.
Even if you haven’t allowed your kids on screens or phones yet, how do you prepare them–and yourself–for this eventuality? What are the “best practices”?
And yet, maybe it doesn’t have to be this hard…
We asked a few of the top digital parenting experts about how to raise kids in the tech age. They offered simple tools and guilt-free guidance, so parents will know what to expect at each age and stage.
In this Tech-Healthy Kids short course, we’re sharing all of the valuable insight we learned, to help you feel more confident and prepared as you navigate the digital parenting world (and know how to get back on track if it all goes sideways.)

Parenting in the digital age is complex.
You may find yourself with a long list of questions that are difficult to find solid answers to, from “How much screen time is too much?” to “Will violent video games make my child violent?”
Plus, you’re probably wondering when is it appropriate for kids to have their own phone and access to social media, if all of this technology is impacting your child’s mental health, and how to keep kids safe from inappropriate content.
It can all weigh heavily on your shoulders.
Even if you haven’t allowed your kids on screens or phones yet, how do you prepare them–and yourself–for this eventuality? What are the “best practices”?
And yet, maybe it doesn’t have to be this hard…
We asked a few of the top digital parenting experts about how to raise kids in the tech age. They offered simple tools and guilt-free guidance, so parents will know what to expect at each age and stage.
In this Tech-Healthy Kids short course, we’re sharing all of the valuable insight we learned, to help you feel more confident and prepared as you navigate the digital parenting world (and know how to get back on track if it all goes sideways.)
REGISTER Here for only $147 $67
You’ll get all the videos and audios, full of simple and effective strategies for tech-healthy parenting.

Non-judgemental Warmth and Encouragement That Even Insightful Parents Need

Dr. Laura Markham
Clinical Psychologist, Author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids
Tech, Social Media, Emotional Health and Resilience
- Hear developmentally appropriate recommendations for screen time at various ages and stages
- Get practical suggestions for building resilience, including strengthening your relationship with your kids, communicating with them, and helping them develop self-regulation
- Be reassured knowing that when kids are emotionally healthy, they aren’t as vulnerable to tech addiction

Dr. Devorah Heitner
Author of Screenwise and Growing Up in Public
How To Not Freak Out About Kids And Phones, Plus Practical Solutions
- Hear what kids are actually doing–and not doing–on their phones and screens
- Discover how to supervise your kids, at various stages, so that the content they see is appropriate
- Get helpful guidance about tech-healthy conversations to have with kids including:
- What to talk about before your child gets a phone
- How to help kids regulate their technology use
- How kids can use social media or gaming to develop their social skills

Janell Burley Hofmann
Author of iRules, Speaker, Consultant
iRules: What Every Tech-Healthy Family Needs to Know About Selfies, Sexting, Gaming, and Growing Up
- How to talk to young children to protect them from what they might find online
- What to say if young ones get exposed to inappropriate content
- What kids need to know, at each developmental level, about technology and screens
- Discover the importance of having a tech curfew and how to start this in your family

Dr. Stuart Shanker
Founder and Science Director of the Self-Regulation Institute
Self-Reg: How to Help Your Child Break the Stress Cycle and Successfully Engage With Life
- When kids use “unhealthy stress reduction”–like social media, watching a video, or playing a game–they often feel worse afterward, and the stress is still there
- Hear how to help kids choose “healthy stress reduction”–such as exercise, art, or time with others–to deal with stress and feel better

Janell Burley Hofmann
Author of iRules, Speaker, Consultant
Digital Parenting: How to Talk to Kids about Tech and Family Values
- Discover why “digital parenting is not technical, it’s relational”
- Hear the steps of how to begin–or continue–a conversation with your kids about technology
- Know what to say so that:
- Your children understand your values around technology
- You strengthen your relationship with them
- Kids learn the skills of balance, kindness, and self-regulation

Max Stossel
Speaker, Founder of Social Awakening
What To Do About Teen Mental Health and Social Media
- Hear what a former tech insider and social media strategist tells kids and parents about how to minimize the mental health impact of using technology
- Discover the research about social media and understand why teen girls are especially vulnerable
- Get strategies for how parents can talk to their kids to:
- Set limits
- Help kids be thoughtful about their social media use
- Encourage kids to connect with peers without using screens

Lenore Skenazy
Blogger, Columnist, Author of Free-Range Kids
Free Range Kids in a High-Tech Age
- Discover why kids growing up in many English-speaking countries have very little freedom in comparison to their parents (even though crime is at a record low)
- Hear why tech tools that help us track and monitor our children may negatively impact our relationship with them, slow their development, and might not keep them safer or help parents feel more calm!
- Get practical tips for how–at no cost–parents and communities can make it easy, normal, and legal to give kids freedom to explore, play, and be outside

Dr. Yalda Uhls
Child Psychologist Scientist, Author of Media Moms and Digital Dads
What To Do About Tech: Lessons From Research & Real Life
- Hear what the research says about violence in video games and the impact that technology has on creativity and distractibility
- Get practical tools for teaching self-regulation and addressing technology addiction
REGISTER Here for only $147 $67
You’ll get all the videos and audios, full of simple and effective strategies for tech-healthy parenting.

For This Short Course, We Brought Together Some of the Top Experts in the Field

Dr. Laura Markham
Clinical Psychologist, Author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids and Peaceful Parent, Happy Siblings, and other books, Founder of Aha! Parenting, featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Real Simple, Newsday, Men's Health, Redbook and Parents Magazine

Dr. Devorah Heitner
Author of Screenwise and Growing Up in Public, has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and CNN Opinion, Ph.D. in Media/Technology & Society

Janell Burley Hofmann
Author of iRules: What Every Tech-Healthy Family Needs to Know About Selfies, Sexting, Gaming and Growing Up, Speaker and Consultant who serves families, schools and communities

Dr. Stuart Shanker
Founder and Science Director of The Self-Regulation Institute and the CEO of The MEHRIT Centre, Author of Calm, Alert and Learning and Self-Reg and other books, Early Child Development Advisor

Max Stossel
Speaker, Founder of Social Awakening: an organization dedicated to helping young people survive and thrive in the modern world, Award-Winning Artist, who has talked to 100,000+ students, parents, and educators about social media's impact on our lives

Dr. Yalda Uhls
Child Psychologist Scientist, Author of Media Moms and Digital Dads, Works with Common Sense Media and UCLA, Featured in Time Magazine, the NY Times, USA Today and NPR

Lenore Skenazy
Blogger, Columnist, Author of Free-Range Kids, was dubbed “America’s Worst Mom” when she let her 9-year-old son take the New York City Subway home alone, Founder of the Free-Range Kids movement and the non-profit, Let Grow

Course creators:
Cecilia and Jason Hilkey
Cecilia and Jason are the founders of Happily Family whose mission is to connect parents of challenging kids to the understanding support, research-based tools, and expert guidance they need the most. They believe parenting is one of the most rewarding, challenging, and transformative opportunities we have as humans. They’ve conducted over 250 interviews with parenting and education experts, authors, therapists, and researchers. They’ve presented at conferences, schools, and businesses in the US and abroad. Since 2012, their online programs and events have reached more than 500,000 parents and professionals in over 200 countries. They are both Early Childhood Educators–Cecilia Hilkey, MA is a pediatric Occupational Therapist and Jason Hilkey has a degree in Math and Computer Science. They are the proud parents of two wonderful young adults.
- Full-length videos with closed captioning so you can watch at your convenience, on any device
- Audio recordings you can download and listen to at home, in the car, at the gym or wherever you like
- Option: Professionally-formatted transcripts of the sessions, to make review and action simple
REGISTER Here for only $147 $67
You’ll get all the videos and audios, full of simple and effective strategies for tech-healthy parenting.

Happily Family Testimonials
“Wow!! Incredible! I have laughed and cried! But most of all I have come away with such an amazing renewed sense of who I am as a mom and how to continue the journey that I honor and cherish day after day. Thank you so much!”
– Dana A.
“Thank you so much for all the valuable and insightful information. It is SO very comforting to know you are supported and never, ever alone on this life, parenting journey!! It’s people like you that make such a huge difference. Thank you for sharing and caring! May you stay well and be blessed.”
– Eli B.
“Hi Cecilia and Jason, I want to say a heartfelt thank you. [My parenting] is getting deeper, clearer, yet lighter. More bite-sized and digestible. It stays with me… There is no way around doing our deep inner work… I just had a meeting with my young son's teacher and middle school representative… I was able to show up in a warm and connected way, yet not shrink back from any of the potentially tough questions… I left the fear and charge behind and bought only openness and attention. I was most wonderfully supported by the modeling you and Jason did… Thank you! …With immense appreciation & love.”
– Katerina
“Can I just say Cecilia and Jason Hilkey and Happily Family is so awesome?! Thanks so much… You always ask the best questions and summarize in just the right way when I start to get confused.”
– Dr. Kirstin B.
“Dear Cecilia and Jason [this] was an absolute answer to my prayers!!! Thank you for choosing such great presenters. It was simply beautiful!!! Thank you!”
– Sharoya H.
“Thank you for all that you do!!! [This] has been stellar and I am so grateful to the speakers and for all the effort Jason and Cecilia and their team put in, to make it so impactful and meaningful!
With love and respect, a mom in Mexico, looking to get a little bit better every day! ”
– Alejandra G.
“From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank all those who made this possible. Thank you for enriching our lives and may all parents grow from strength to strength because of this knowledge. Love from South Africa.”
– Saleema D.
“Thank you so much for putting this… together! [It] has been like a warm hug filling me up with positive parenting and self-aspirations, hope, and so, so many great ideas to use in my and my family’s life. Really loving this all.”
– Karen K.
“I can’t remember how I stumbled upon this, but I’m so glad that I found it because it’s absolutely wonderful! I’m finding something valuable to learn and apply to my parenting and work with children from each talk. Thank you, Happily Family!”
– Candace H.

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REGISTER Here for only $147 $67
You’ll get all the videos and audios, full of simple and effective strategies for tech-healthy parenting.