Mindful Parent’s Guide to Teaching Kids Healthy Sexuality
What kids need to know–at each age and stage–to keep them safe and support who they are becoming
Maybe you have a younger child and you don’t know how to have “The Talk” about how babies are made.
Maybe you have an older child and you don’t know how and when to explain all the different parts of human sexuality (like puberty, periods, rape, porn, masturbation, sexually transmitted infections, consent, online safety, nudes, sexting, gender identity and sexual orientation, etc).
Maybe the whole topic of sex brings up your own feelings, embarrassment and childhood baggage, and you feel unprepared to have the conversations you feel like you should be having with your child.

You want to be the person your kids come to with questions about sex. You want to be able to have open conversations, in a positive, shame- and guilt-free way, and you also want to pass your values on to your kids.
But now kids are growing up in a much more complicated world, where they get “too much, too soon”. You’re not sure how much information to give them or even how to educate yourself.
If this is you, you are not alone. Lots of parents feel uncomfortable or unprepared for this role.
So we gathered together some of the top health education and parenting experts, so they can share with you how to simply and easily teach kids about healthy sexuality, trust, consent, relationships, and all the other topics you want your kids to know about to keep them safe and help them make healthy choices.

Maybe you have a younger child and you don’t know how to have “The Talk” about how babies are made.
Maybe you have an older child and you don’t know how and when to explain all the different parts of human sexuality (like puberty, periods, rape, porn, masturbation, sexually transmitted infections, consent, online safety, nudes, sexting, gender identity and sexual orientation, etc).
Maybe the whole topic of sex brings up your own feelings, embarrassment and childhood baggage, and you feel unprepared to have the conversations you feel like you should be having with your child.

You want to be the person your kids come to with questions about sex. You want to be able to have open conversations, in a positive, shame- and guilt-free way, and you also want to pass your values on to your kids.
But now kids are growing up in a much more complicated world, where they get “too much, too soon”. You’re not sure how much information to give them or even how to educate yourself.
If this is you, you are not alone. Lots of parents feel uncomfortable or unprepared for this role.
So we gathered together some of the top health education and parenting experts, so they can share with you how to simply and easily teach kids about healthy sexuality, trust, consent, relationships, and all the other topics you want your kids to know about to keep them safe and help them make healthy choices.
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Amy Lang
Sexual Health Educator, Founder of Birds and Bees and Kids, Author and Speaker
How (and When) to Talk to Kids About Sex – Part 1
- Discover what normal sexual behavior is at each age, from babies and toddlers discovering their body to young children playing doctor and kissing games
- Hear how to explain sex to young kids vs. middle schoolers vs. high schoolers vs. young adults
How (and When) to Talk to Kids About Sex – Part 2
- Discover why sex and health education is so important and protective for children, even at young ages
- Hear how to start “sex ed” conversations, comfortably with your kids
- How to handle difficult topics like consent, pornography, oral sex, rape, tampons, and more

Meg Hickling
Retired Registered Nurse, Award-Winning Educator, and Internationally Recognized Advocate for Educating Children about Human Reproduction, Co-Author of Talk Sex Today

Saleema Noon
Sexual Health Educator, Speaker, Co-Author of Talk Sex Today
Why, When, and How to Talk to Kids About Sex
- Discover why sex education is so important for keeping kids safe from sexual abuse
- Hear why parents need to treat “sex ed” as a series of conversations over a child’s life, rather than as a one-time event
- Hear practical tips to tackle tough issues like pornography, internet safety, gender, and body image

Stephanie A. Brill
Founder of Gender Spectrum, Author of The Transgender Teen and The Transgender Child, Thought Leader
- What you need to know about the gender-diverse world that your child is growing up in
- Discover how parents, family, and community members can support a child who does not identify with their gender assigned at birth
- How to respond if your child talks to you about their gender (and what to do if a conversation with your child goes poorly)
- Hear how to explain your child’s gender to other family members and friends

Mike Domitrz
Author, Speaker, and Leading Expert on Consent
Teaching Sexual Consent, Respect, and Communication
- Understand why consent is arguably one of the most important conversations that parents have with kids
- How to empower young people so their sexual experiences can be respectful, mutually desired, and based on healthy communication
- Hear what to do and how to get consent before being intimate with someone

Jo Langford
Therapist, Sex Educator for Tweens and Teens, Author of The Pride Guide
The Gender Revolution: How to Support LGBT+ Youth
- Understand all the “new terms” in the sex ed world–cisgender, non-binary, pansexual, and gender-fluid, and more
- Discover what parents (and communities) can do to support LGBT+ youth
- Hear why your support and understanding could be a life-saver for your–or someone else’s–child

Stephanie A. Brill
Founder of Gender Spectrum, Author of The Transgender Teen and The Transgender Child, Thought Leader
How To Support Child On The Gender Spectrum and Why It Is Vital
- Hear the most important things parents can do if their child wants to express their gender in a different way (by changing their pronouns, dressing differently, etc.)
- Understand what gender-affirming health care is, and when kids need it
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For This Short Course, We Brought Together Some of the Top Experts in the Field

A sexual health educator for over 25 years, Amy Lang, the founder of Birds and Bees and Kids, provides childhood sexual development and sexual abuse prevention training for early childhood and youth-serving organizations. Amy has an MA in Applied Behavioral Science and her clients include the US Air Force Youth and Family Services, Boys and Girls Clubs, and numerous early childhood conferences and organizations.

Saleema Noon
Saleema Noon holds a Master's degree in sexual health education. She has been teaching in the field of sexual health, empowerment, assertiveness training, internet safety, healthy relationships, body image, and self-esteem since 1997. She is a step-mom to two teenage girls, and her book for parents written with Meg Hickling, is Talk Sex Today.

Meg Hickling
Meg is a retired registered nurse, author, award-winning educator, and internationally recognized advocate for educating children about human reproduction. Meg has been instilling knowledge of sexual health in children and adults for over 30 years and is the co-author of Talk Sex Today.

Stephanie A. Brill
Stephanie is the founder of Gender Spectrum and a thought leader in the field of gender diversity in children. She has authored four books including The Transgender Teen and The Transgender Child and her work has been featured on 20/20, Fox News and Fox Radio, San Francisco Chronicle, and The New York Times.

Mike Domitrz
Mike is one of the leading experts for transforming our sexual culture to one built on consent and respect – discussing sexual decision-making, asking first, healthy relationships, bystander intervention, and supporting survivors of sexual assault. As a speaker and author, he gives his audience realistic “How-to” skills to implement in their lives. Mike is also the host of The Everyday Mindfulness Show.

Jo Langford
Jo is a therapist and sex educator for tweens and teens, who helps parents and professionals increase their sex education knowledge and self-confidence. His latest book, The Pride Guide, is the first puberty book written for queer and trans youth and their families and is a guide to sexual and social development, safety,d and health for queer youth.

Course creators:
Cecilia and Jason Hilkey
Cecilia and Jason are the founders of Happily Family whose mission is to connect parents of challenging kids to the understanding support, research-based tools, and expert guidance they need the most. They believe that parenting is one of the most rewarding, challenging, and transformative opportunities we have as humans. They’ve conducted over 250 interviews with parenting and education experts, authors, therapists, and researchers. They’ve presented at conferences, schools, and businesses in the US and abroad. Since 2012, their online programs and events have reached more than 500,000 parents and professionals in over 200 countries. They are both Early Childhood Educators–Cecilia Hilkey, MA is a pediatric Occupational Therapist and Jason Hilkey has a degree in Math and Computer Science. They are the proud parents of two wonderful young adults.
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- Option: Professionally-formatted transcripts of the sessions, to make review and action simple
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– Eli B.
“Hi Cecilia and Jason, I want to say a heartfelt thank you. [My parenting] is getting deeper, clearer, yet lighter. More bite-sized and digestible. It stays with me… There is no way around doing our deep inner work… I just had a meeting with my young son's teacher and middle school representative… I was able to show up in a warm and connected way, yet not shrink back from any of the potentially tough questions… I left the fear and charge behind and bought only openness and attention. I was most wonderfully supported by the modeling you and Jason did… Thank you! …With immense appreciation & love.”
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“Can I just say Cecilia and Jason Hilkey and Happily Family is so awesome?! Thanks so much… You always ask the best questions and summarize in just the right way when I start to get confused.”
– Dr. Kirstin B.
“Dear Cecilia and Jason [this] was an absolute answer to my prayers!!! Thank you for choosing such great presenters. It was simply beautiful!!! Thank you!”
– Sharoya H.
“Thank you for all that you do!!! [This] has been stellar and I am so grateful to the speakers and for all the effort Jason and Cecilia and their team put in, to make it so impactful and meaningful! With love and respect, a mom in Mexico, looking to get a little bit better every day!”
– Alejandra G.
“From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank all those that made this possible. Thank you for enriching our lives and may all parents grow from strength to strength because of this knowledge. Love from South Africa.”
– Saleema D.
“Thank you so much for putting this… together! [It] has been like a warm hug filling me up with positive parenting and self aspirations, hope, and so so many great ideas to use in my and my family’s life. Really loving this all.”
– Karen K.
“I can’t remember how I stumbled upon this, but I’m so glad that I found it because it’s absolutely wonderful! I’m finding something valuable to learn and apply to my parenting and work with children from each talk. Thank you, Happily Family!”
– Candace H.

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