When Kids Worry Too Much
Redefine anxiety and foster resilience in kids
No matter what the age of your child, even the happiest child will worry sometimes. But how much worry is too much? What can you do to help your child cope? How can you support them without getting sucked into it yourself?
Even as a thoughtful, conscious parent, your child might have anxiety that gets in the way of everyday things. You know the signs… you feel it in the pit in your stomach, you’re worried that your child will lose it because of daily life, the plans that changed, the expectations that got built up and were unfulfilled, the small thing you said that sent your child over the edge. You walk on eggshells through your day.
It’s especially hard to see your child suffer if you’ve read, studied, and worked on your parenting skills. If you’ve been commited to parenting in a “new way”. If you see your child worry and secretly blame yourself, or wonder what you did wrong?
What if there was another way? What if there were things that even the most well-informed parents weren’t taught growing up?
We asked a few of the top parenting experts how to escape this cycle. They have simple tools and guilt-free techniques that parents can use when their kids are stressed, worried and anxious to redefine anxiety as a normal emotion, something that is helpful, even useful and energizing.
What if you didn’t have to worry about your child’s worry? What if you and your child had tools and a plan for handling anxiety? What if you knew how to help your child be resilient?

No matter what the age of your child, even the happiest child will worry sometimes. But how much worry is too much? What can you do to help your child cope? How can you support them without getting sucked into it yourself?
Even as a thoughtful, conscious parent, your child might have anxiety that gets in the way of everyday things. You know the signs… you feel it in the pit in your stomach, you’re worried that your child will lose it because of daily life, the plans that changed, the expectations that got built up and were unfulfilled, the small thing you said that sent your child over the edge. You walk on eggshells through your day.
If you are a parent of a toddler or younger child, you know that they are learning to understand their feelings and regulate their emotions, and they don’t have the life experience and perspective to understand many of the things happening in their world. But you’ve noticed that it’s not really helpful when you try to explain why something is happening, why it’s “not a big deal”, or why this uncomfortable feeling will go away. How can a parent best support their young child to develop resilience and bounce back?
For older children and teens, the world is complicated and busy. Stress and anxiety comes from all sides–school, grades, friends, social media, screens, and making plans for the future when the world looks so uncertain. Adolescents have some life experience and can be logical, but they might be worried about the same things that worry you too. How do you support your teen and still stay grounded yourself? And how do you encourage the reluctant adolescent to talk when he thinks that “you don’t get it”?
It’s especially hard to see your child suffer if you’ve read, studied, and worked on your parenting skills. If you’ve been commited to parenting in a “new way”. If you see your child worry and secretly blame yourself, or wonder what you did wrong?
What if there was another way? What if there were things that even the most well-informed parents weren’t taught growing up?
We asked a few of the top parenting experts how to escape this cycle. They have simple tools and guilt-free techniques that parents can use when their kids are stressed, worried and anxious to redefine anxiety as a normal emotion, something that is helpful, even useful and energizing.
What if you didn’t have to worry about your child’s worry? What if you and your child had tools and a plan for handling anxiety? What if you knew how to help your child be resilient?
REGISTER Here for $97
You’ll get all the videos and audios, full of simple and effective strategies for helping your child outsmart worry.

Non-judgemental, Warmth and Encouragement
That Even Insightful Parents Need

Founder and Chief Storyteller of GoZen!, Psychologist
- Normalize the worry, stress, and anxiety that a lot of kids and parents feel right now
- Understand why some amount of anxiety is normal and good
- What to do if your child has a panic attack
- How to transform your child’s negative self-judgment
- How to support your child’s feelings without getting overwhelmed yourself

Janine Halloran
Founder of Coping Skills for Kids, Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Coping Skills for Anxiety, Stress, and Anger (for Kids)
- How to help kids cope with intense feelings and develop self-awareness
- Simple, powerful tools to get kids back to peace and calm
- How to problem-solve with your child to handle big feelings together
- This session is geared towards parents of toddler up to elementary-aged children (but tools can be adapted for teens and adults)

Dr. Dawn Huebner
Clinical Psychologist, Author of Outsmarting Worry, Parent Coach
When You Worry Too Much: 3 Tools for Kids to Minimize Anxiety
- Discover why it’s natural–even helpful and energizing–for children to have a little bit of anxiety
- How to know if your child is experiencing too much anxiety
- When to get professional support for your child
- Understand why too much accommodating and reassurance from parents can fuel your child’s anxiety and what to do instead

Dr. Dan Peters
Anxiety in Kids: What Parents Can Do to Help
- Understand why kids get worried and what anxiety looks like
- Discover tools that any parent can use–without going to a professional–to help a child cope with anxiety
- How to handle chronic stress in children
- Know when to seek additional help from professionals

Dr. John Duffy
Clinical Psychologist, Author of Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety
Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety
- How to encourage your teen to have an open dialogue with you
- How to increase the emotional bank account that you have with your kids
- How to get a reluctant teen to open up
- Get the inside scoop of what teens are dealing with from someone who talks to teens all day

Janine Halloran
Founder of Coping Skills for Kids, Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Coping Skills With Stress, Anxiety, And Anger (FOR TEENS)
- Understand why teens are experiencing more stress than previous generations
- Discover the 4 basic ways that humans handle stress
- Understand the role of social media in the lives of teens and it’s impact on mental health
- How to talk to teens and what to do if they don’t want to talk to you
- How to create a plan for your teen’s anxiety (or any highly emotional moment)
REGISTER Here for $97
You’ll get all the videos and audios, full of simple and effective strategies for helping your child outsmart worry.

For This Short Course, We Brought Together Some of the Top Experts in the Field

Renee Jain
Author, Psychologist, Founder and Chief Storyteller of GoZen!, an online social and emotional learning program that helps kids cultivate basic coping techniques to overcome stress, anxiety, worry, anger, perfectionism, and negativity

Janine Halloran
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Founder of Coping Skills for Kids, Author, who teaches healthy coping skills early in life, so kids will be more resilient and manage stress better, even as they grow up

Dr. John Duffy
Highly sought-after Clinical Psychologist, Media Expert, Author of The Available Parent and Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety, Host of the Undue Anxiety podcast, Regular Parenting and Relationship Expert on Steve Harvey, WGN radio in Chicago and the Morning Blend on NBC TV

Dr. Dawn Huebner
Clinical Psychologist, Parent Coach, Speaker specializing in Anxiety, Author of 8 books, including What to Do When You Worry Too Much and Outsmarting Worry, featured on TEDx, the TODAY Show, CNN.com, WebMD, many popular parenting magazines

Dr. Daniel Peters

Course creators:
Cecilia and Jason Hilkey
Cecilia and Jason are the founders of Happily Family whose mission is to connect parents of challenging kids to the understanding support, research-based tools, and expert guidance they need the most. They believe that parenting is one of the most rewarding, challenging, and transformative opportunities we have as humans. They’ve conducted over 250 interviews of parenting and education experts, authors, therapists, and researchers. They’ve presented at conferences, schools and businesses in the US and abroad.
Since 2012, their online programs and events have reached more than 500,000 parents and professionals in over 200 countries. They are both Early Childhood Educators–Cecilia Hilkey, MA is a pediatric Occupational Therapist and Jason Hilkey has a degree in Math and Computer Science. They are the proud parents of two wonderful young adults.
- Full-length videos with closed captioning so you can watch at your convenience, on any device
- Audio recordings you can download and listen to at home, in the car, at the gym or wherever you like
- Option: Professionally-formatted transcripts of the sessions, to make review and action simple
REGISTER Here for $97
You’ll get all the videos and audios, full of simple and effective strategies for helping your child outsmart worry.

Happily Family Testimonials
I feel so encouraged and empowered – you and all the presenters made all the content so easily accessible to understand, easy to implement, and it was fun. I love how you and so many presenters used personal experiences and made it so relatable. It's very powerful for a self- bashing mind to hear that even you are not always perfect and that it's ok!! 🙂 Instead of beating myself up I feel really encouraged to give myself some grace and my kids will be so much better for it. You have truely made a massive difference, thank you thank you THANK YOU!!
– Ingrid
Huge THANK YOU for validating ALL my feelings as a mother (I have 3 kids)! (literally bawling right now) Thanks for saying its rough AND ITS OKAY!
– Tin Cabral-De la Cerna
Changes I have noticed–life has become more peaceful, there has been less anxiety and less yelling. I share techniques with my son who has some trouble with emotional regulation and social skills in groups & he is showing so much improvement! I am amazed at the huge importance of connection, relationship and conversations. I really feel like I am on a mission these days–as someone who is diagnosed with anxiety which has caused much fear and missing out on things–I really feel the need to help children develop skills for coping and resiliency so they can become the best versions of themselves. I am so so grateful for these techniques.
– Lisa Benson
Wow!! Incredible! I have laughed and cried! But most of all I have come away with such an amazing renewed sense of who I am as a mom and how to continue the journey that I honor and cherish day after day. Thank you so much!
– Dana A.
Thank you so much for all the valuable and insightful information. It is SO very comforting to know you are supported and never, ever alone on this life, parenting journey!! It’s people like you that make such a huge difference. Thank you for sharing and caring! May you stay well and be blessed.
– Eli B.
Hi Cecilia and Jason, I want to say a heartfelt thank you. [My parenting] is getting deeper, clearer, yet lighter. More bite-sized and digestible. It stays with me… There is no way around doing our deep inner work… I just had a meeting with my young son's teacher and middle school representative… I was able to show up in a warm and connected way, yet not shrink back from any of the potentially tough questions… I left the fear and charge behind and bought only openness and attention. I was most wonderfully supported by the modeling you and Jason did… Thank you! …With immense appreciation & love.
– Katerina
Can I just say Cecilia and Jason Hilkey and Happily Family is so awesome?! Thanks so much… You always ask the best questions and summarize in just the right way when I start to get confused.
– Dr. Kirstin B.
Dear Cecilia and Jason [this] was an absolute answer to my prayers!!! Thank you for choosing such great presenters. It was simply beautiful!!! Thank you!
– Sharoya H.
Thank you for all that you do!!! [This] has been stellar and I am so grateful to the speakers and for all the effort Jason and Cecilia and their team put in, to make it so impactful and meaningful!With love and respect, a mom in Mexico, looking to get a little bit better every day!
– Alejandra G.
From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank all those that made this possible. Thank you for enriching our lives and may all parents grow from strength to strength because of this knowledge. Love from South Africa.
– Saleema D.
Thank you so much for putting this… together! [It] has been like a warm hug filling me up with positive parenting and self aspirations, hope, and so so many great ideas to use in my and my family’s life. Really loving this all.
– Karen K.
I can’t remember how I stumbled upon this, but I’m so glad that I found it because it’s absolutely wonderful! I’m finding something valuable to learn and apply to my parenting and work with children from each talk. Thank you, Happily Family!
– Candace H.

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