Parent Differently
Heal Ourselves and Our Kids in a Single Generation
Regardless of if you had a difficult childhood or not, you might be wondering…
- “How can I avoid passing negative experiences on to my kids?”
- “What is the best way to reconnect and repair with my kids after I’ve lost it?”
- “When I–or my partner–‘lose it’, are we damaging the kids?”
- “How do I parent without falling back into old patterns?”
To answer these questions, we’ve asked leading voices in the parenting field about attachment research, self-awareness, and self-compassion. We’ve delved into topics including imperfect parenting, mindfulness, and generational healing.
You’ll discover why–and how–parents can help their kids feel safe, seen, soothed, and secure.
You’ll hear practices that will help you let go of the shame and guilt, and tune into your inner wisdom so you can show up the way you want for your kids.
These luminaries will share with you how to be compassionate with yourself and your kids and let go of shame, blame, regret, anger, and fear.
You’ll gain simple tools and science-backed techniques for when you–or your kids–lose it.
You’ll get strategies to be your best, even if your kids are at their worst.
Even though you can’t change what happened to you as a child, you can make sense of what happened and understand the impact it might have had on you.
When you understand your past and how you adapted to it, you’ll be free to parent differently, and to become fully present with your child, yourself, and even your partner. In the end, developing self-awareness in our parenting allows us to heal ourselves and our children.
Maybe even… in a single generation.

Regardless of if you had a difficult childhood or not, you might be wondering…
- “How can I avoid passing negative experiences on to my kids?”
- “What is the best way to reconnect and repair with my kids after I’ve lost it?”
- “When I–or my partner–‘lose it’, are we damaging the kids?”
- “How do I parent without falling back into old patterns?”
To answer these questions, we’ve asked leading voices in the parenting field about attachment research, self-awareness, and self-compassion. We’ve delved into topics including imperfect parenting, mindfulness, and generational healing.
You’ll discover why–and how–parents can help their kids feel safe, seen, soothed, and secure.
You’ll hear practices that will help you let go of the shame and guilt, and tune into your inner wisdom so you can show up the way you want for your kids.
These luminaries will share with you how to be compassionate with yourself and your kids and let go of shame, blame, regret, anger, and fear.
You’ll gain simple tools and science-backed techniques for when you–or your kids–lose it.
You’ll get strategies to be your best, even if your kids are at their worst.
Even though you can’t change what happened to you as a child, you can make sense of what happened and understand the impact it might have had on you.
When you understand your past and how you adapted to it, you’ll be free to parent differently, and to become fully present with your child, yourself, and even your partner. In the end, developing self-awareness in our parenting allows us to heal ourselves and our children.
Maybe even… in a single generation.


Professor of psychiatry at UCLA School of Medicine, Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute, Author or Co-author of Intraconnected, and more
- How to best avoid passing our own childhood experiences to our kids
- How to reconnect and repair things with your kids when you’ve made a mistake
- Why it’s so important to help kids feel safe, seen, soothed, and secure
- How understanding our past frees us to become fully present to our child, ourselves, and others

Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Clinical Psychologist, Keynote Speaker, Author of The Conscious Parent, Out of Control, The Awakened Family, and more
The Awakened Family
- Understand why life is an inward (rather than outward) journey
- What to do when you start thinking that the outside needs to be constantly fixed and controlled
- How our ego or identity might get triggered because of the closeness of our relationship with our children
- What attunement is and how to use it to be open and trusting, and not overdo it
- Tools you can use to anchor yourself and know yourself more deeply

Dr. Kristin Neff
Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, Self-Compassion Researcher, Author of Self-Compassion, Autism Mom
Self-Compassion and How It Makes Us Better Parents
- Why parents don’t need to be harsh with their children–or themselves–in order to motivate them
- Hear what self-compassion is, and what it’s not (it’s not self-indulgent, narcissistic, or lazy)
- How to be kind to ourselves, so we are better able to be kind to others
- Discover simple tools to be more self-compassionate in everyday life

Dr. Rick Hanson
Psychologist, NYT Bestselling Author, Senior Fellow of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, and Founder of the Global Compassion Coalition
The Science of Fear, Anger, and Creating Happiness
- How we can change our brains to create more happiness and well-being in our lives
- Two emotions that parents feel a lot of–fear and anger
- Understand the purpose of fear and anger, the “cost” of having them, how to “be” with our discomfort
- Hear practical tools to release these emotions, return to contentment, and increase the joy in our lives

Dr. Carrie Contey
Psychologist, Parenting Coach, Author
Handle Any Situation with Self-Aware Parenting
- Discover a framework to understand and relate to your child, and be guided by your own self-awareness.
- How to truly tune in to your own inner mentor, thoughts, and feelings
- Hear practical solutions, fun stories, and deep wisdom

Dr. Susan M. Pollak
Psychologist, Cofounder of the Center for Mindfulness and Compassion at Harvard Medical School, Author of Self-Compassion for Parents
Self-Compassion for Parents: Nurture Your Child by Caring for Yourself
- There is a lot of cultural anxiety about raising kids, and self-compassion can change that
- Most parents want to know how to “fix” their kids, but encouraging parents to look at themselves could be even more important
- How the mindfulness and self-compassion practices of parents make a difference for their kids
- Gain practical mindfulness tools that can provide relief within minutes

Leslie Arreola-Hillenbrand
Founder of Latinx Parenting, Degree in Child Development & Family Studies, and Family Life Education
Nonviolent Parenting, Limit Setting, and the Power of Empathy
- Hear what decolonizing parenting means, and why it is important for black, brown and white families
- Recognize the power structures that we are living in and working against
- Understand how the traditional “power over” parenting paradigm, passed down from generations, comes from colonization not from culture
- How to release stories of shame, and begin to do intergenerational and ancestral healing work
- How to set limits and parent with empathy rather than having “power over” our children

Tara Mohr
Author of Playing Big, Creator of the Playing Big Leadership Program for women, MBA from Stanford University
Overcoming Fear, Criticism & Self-Doubt to Play Bigger in Life
- Learn practical tools to quiet the inner critic, unhook from praise and criticism
- Redefine and work through fear
- Discover a model to tap into your personal strength and inner wisdom
- Hear examples of how to use these techniques with children and ourselves

Charles Eisenstein
Internationally recognized Speaker, Author of several books including The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible
The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible
- How to listen, have empathy, trust, and non-judgment for children
- Hear the difference between the “story of separation” vs “the story of interbeing”
- How “interbeing” affects education, parenting, philosophy, and spirituality
- Understand why part of our revolution is the reunion of work and play

For This Short Course, We Brought Together Some of the Top Experts in the Field

Clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine, Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute, Author or Co-author of Parenting from the Inside Out, Whole Brain Child, Brainstorm, The Yes Brain, The Power of Showing Up, Intraconnected and more

Dr. Shefali Tsabary
World-renowned Clinical Psychologist, Doctorate from Columbia University, specializing in the integration of Eastern philosophy and Western psychology, Keynote Speaker, Author of The Conscious Parent, Out of Control, The Awakened Family, and more

Dr. Kristin Neff
Associate Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, Pioneer in the field of Self-Compassion Research, Author of Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself, Creator of the Mindful Self-Compassion program, Autism Mom

Dr. Carrie Contey
Ph.D. in Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology, Parenting Coach, Speaker and Author, supports and inspires her clients to live with a wide-open and courageous heart so that they can approach parenting with both skill and spaciousness

Dr. Rick Hanson
Psychologist and Senior Fellow of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, Author of Buddha’s Brain, Just One Thing, and Hardwiring Happiness, Creator of the Foundations of Well-Being program

Dr. Susan M. Pollak
Psychologist, Cofounder and teacher at the Center for Mindfulness and Compassion at Harvard Medical School, Author of several books including Self-Compassion for Parents: Nurture Your Child by Caring for Yourself

Leslie Arreola-Hillenbrand
Founder of Latinx Parenting–a bilingual organization rooted in social and racial justice, nonviolence, reparenting, and intergenerational healing, Mother to three biracial children, Degree in Child Development & Family Studies, and Family Life Education

Tara Mohr
Expert on women’s leadership and well-being, Author of Playing Big, Creator of the Playing Big leadership program for women and the global Playing Big Facilitators Training, MBA from Stanford University

Charles Eisenstein
Internationally recognized speaker and writer focusing on themes of human culture and identity. Author of several books including Sacred Economics and The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible, Degree in Mathematics and Philosophy from Yale, Father of four children

Course creators:
Cecilia and Jason Hilkey
Cecilia and Jason are the founders of Happily Family whose mission is to connect parents to the understanding support, research-based tools, and expert guidance they need the most. They believe that parenting is one of the most rewarding, challenging, and transformative opportunities we have as humans. They’ve conducted over 250 interviews of parenting and education experts, authors, therapists, and researchers. They’ve presented at conferences, schools, and businesses in the US and abroad. Since 2012, their online programs and events have reached more than 500,000 parents and professionals in over 200 countries. They are both Early Childhood Educators–Cecilia Hilkey, MA is a pediatric Occupational Therapist and Jason Hilkey has a degree in Math and Computer Science. They are the proud parents of two wonderful young adults (2 biological and 1 “adopted”).
- Full-length videos with closed captioning so you can watch at your convenience, on any devices
- Audio recordings you can download and listen to at home, in the car, at the gym, or wherever you like
- Option: Professionally-formatted transcripts of the sessions, to make review and action simple

Happily Family Testimonials
“I've been actively seeking out information on trauma and parenting in an attempt to be the best support I can be… usually such information makes me feel worse, I end up beating myself up even harder feeling l should have / could have done better in the past. This was completely different!!!
I feel so encouraged and empowered – you and all the presenters made all the content so easily accessible to understand, easy to implement, and it was fun, I love how you and so many presenters used personal experiences and made it so relatable. It's very powerful… to hear that even you are not always perfect and that it's ok!! 😀 I love the balance between parenting advice and the importance of self-care and the very warm and forgiving tone of the whole program… You have truely made a massive difference, thank you thank you THANK YOU!! 🙏🙏🙏”
– Ingrid
“Can I just say Cecilia and Jason Hilkey and Happily Family is so awesome?! Thanks so much… You always ask the best questions and summarize in just the right way when I start to get confused.”
– Dr. Kirstin B.
“Hi Cecilia and Jason, I want to say a heartfelt thank you. I left the fear and charge behind and bought only openness and attention. I was most wonderfully supported by the modeling you and Jason did… Thank you! …With immense appreciation & love.”
– Katerina
“Thank you so much for all the valuable and insightful information. It is SO very comforting to know you are supported and never, ever alone on this life, parenting journey!! It’s people like you that make such a huge difference. Thank you for sharing and caring! May you stay well and be blessed.”
– Eli B.
“Today I picked my daughter up from High School… This is the same girl that used to curl up in the fetal position in the wheel well of the car and we missed many appointments, school days, and even haircuts! I'm in so much awe of the skills she has developed in the past decade. I am deeply grateful to… the Hilkeys.”
– Agi M.
“Wow!! Incredible! I have laughed and cried! But most of all I have come away with such an amazing renewed sense of who I am as a mom and how to continue the journey that I honor and cherish day after day. Thank you so much!”
– Dana A.
“From the bottom of my heart, thank you for enriching our lives and may all parents grow from strength to strength because of this knowledge. Love from South Africa.”
– Saleema D.
“Dear Cecilia and Jason [this] was an absolute answer to my prayers!!! Thank you for choosing such great presenters. It was simply beautiful!!! Thank you!”
– Sharoya H.
“I can’t remember how I stumbled upon this, but I’m so glad that I found it because it’s absolutely wonderful! I’m finding something valuable to learn and apply to my parenting and work with children from each talk. Thank you, Happily Family!”
– Candace H.
“Thank you so much for putting this… together! [It] has been like a warm hug filling me up with positive parenting and self-affirmation, hope, and so, so many great ideas to use in my and my family’s life. Really loving this all.”
– Karen K.
“Thank you for all that you do!!! [This] has been stellar and I am so grateful to the speakers and for all the effort Jason and Cecilia and their team put in, to make it so impactful and meaningful!
With love and respect, a mom in Mexico, looking to get a little bit better every day! ”
– Alejandra G.

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