Connecting with Kids

What 25 Experts Say About – Empathy,
Social Emotional Learning, Mindfulness
Social Emotional Learning, Mindfulness
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Meet Your Speakers

Dr. Daniel Siegel

Psychiatrist, Author, Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute

Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen Hunt

Authors and Co-creators of Imago Relationship Therapy

Dr. Christine Carter

Sociologist, Greater Good Science Center

Dr. Kristin Neff

Compassion Researcher, Professor of Educational Psychology

Dr. Eve Ekman

Social Scientist and Teacher of Emotional Awareness

Elena Brower

Yoga Teacher, Author of Practice You

Dr. Rick Hanson

Psychologist, Author, Creator of the Foundations of Well-Being program

Erin DiMaggio

Creator of Wonder Women Unite and Founder of Enlightened Mommas

Robin Grille

Psychologist, Author of Parenting for a Peaceful World

Patty Wipfler

Founder Hand in Hand Parenting, Author of Listen

Mercedes Samudio

Social Worker, Creator of #EndParentShaming

Mike Domitrz

Speaker, Author of Can I Kiss You?

Heather Forbes

Social Worker, Founder of the Beyond Consequences Institute

Dr. John Duffy

Clinical Psychologist, Author of The Available Parent

Dr. Robbin Rockett

Psychologist, Creator of Solo Parent Life

Tommy Rosen

Author and Founder of Recovery 2.0

Dr. Joseph Lee

Psychiatrist, Creator of Mental Healthiness classes

Theo Koffler

Founder and Executive Director of Mindfulness Without Borders

Aaron Schiller

Family and Business Life Coach, Co-Founder of WiseTech Ed

Suzi Kesler Lula

Author of The Motherhood Evolution

Diane E. Levin

Professor of Early Childhood Education

Tomis Parker

Director of ALC Mosaic Agile Learning Center

Wendy Silvers

Parenting Coach, Author, Founder of the Million Mamas Movement

Jay Levin

Founding President of The Big EQ Campaign

Cecilia and Jason Hilkey

Founders of Happily Family, Educators, Social Entrepreneurs
About Your Hosts

Connection is essential! For parents and professionals, it’s hard (even impossible) to work together with kids, to teach and learn, to listen and love if we aren’t connected at the heart. Neuroscience has shown that connection and attachment builds kid’s brains, contributes to mental health, helps kids take risks and be resilient. Join Cecilia and Jason Hilkey and 25 other scholars, researchers, and authors, as we explore the science of connection and practical tools for everyday life with kids.
About Your Hosts

Parenting is about heart, connection and relationship. But parenting is also about science. Research shows that warm parenting significantly helps with not just with everyday challenges, but also mental health, and wellness. Join this exciting conversation to get practical parenting tools from Cecilia and Jason Hilkey, with 25 other experts.
Connecting with Kids

What 25 Experts Say About – Empathy,
Social Emotional Learning, Mindfulness
Social Emotional Learning, Mindfulness
Speaker Notes Available