Parent Teen Connection: 6-week Relationship Reset for Parents of Teens

Our Difference

The Course

Will This Work for Me?



Effectively support your teen while they navigate adolescence

You’re here because you want closeness with your teen while they develop independence. You want them to know they can turn to you if they feel wobbly.

You want them to have the skills to navigate modern adolescence and make healthy choices about the issues that matter to both of you… screens, social media, mental health, school, family, and friends.

You want to watch them pursue their passions, be kind, self-driven, and think independently.

You just haven’t found the right roadmap… until now.

Join us, and over 100k parents who have trusted us.

What if you and your teen could have open communication and the mutual respect you’ve been longing for, in just 6 weeks?

We don’t expect that teens will tell us everything–we know they need some independence and privacy–but you want them to know you are available, if they need help or to unburden themselves.

You want to feel confident that you can respond with curiosity rather than fear. You want to let go of guilt, bring your wisdom to their chaos, and have conversations with your teen that are easy, authentic, and productive.

You want to be able to set boundaries when appropriate; be heard and treated with respect,

You can relax now. You’ve found what you’ve been searching for.

The Parent Teen Connection program is a science-based, heart-centered course and coaching program for parents of teens.

Cecilia and Jason

Change your relationship with your teen for good.

Hi, we are Cecilia and Jason Hilkey, founders of Happily Family.

Together, we have built a global community of families that are changing the parenting paradigm with their families.

Our methods are grounded in practical communication strategies, interpersonal neurobiology, non-violent communication, and mindfulness practice. Between us, we have qualifications in early childhood education, occupational therapy, parent coaching, and meditation. We’ve co-taught in the same preschool classroom and worked with kids with special needs in their homes and schools.

Happily Family was founded in 2012. Since then we’ve hosted 10 online conferences–interviewing over 250 parenting authors, therapists, educators, and speakers–touching the lives of over 100k families. Happily Family programs welcome tens of thousands of parents each year.

But the most important thing is that we have 3 young adult children (2 bio kids and 1 “adopted”). We’ve created this program because, over the past few years we’ve struggled to learn how to parent our teens. It tested the strength of our family and our marriage, and at times, it even made us doubt our parenting philosophy. We’ve had sleepless nights, we’ve worked on ourselves, and we’ve come out the other side.

What makes us “qualified” to teach about teens is NOT how big our following is, nor what we’ve studied, nor who we’ve interviewed. We’re qualified because of what we’ve experienced–the grief, longing, anguish–of parenting our teens. We know what it feels like to be disconnected from our teens, and then, over time, we’ve felt the healing and joy of that reunion.

Staying connected to our kids is a cornerstone of our parenting approach. As they’ve grown up, we’ve kept our connection to our kids even as they’ve become more independent.

We aren’t perfect parents, no one is. And kids don’t need perfection anyway. If we mess up, we know how to reconnect with our kids and with ourselves. We keep showing up over and over again.

Join us, and change your relationship with your teen… for good!

Cecilia and Jason


“The information shared is invaluable to me. I’ve been so concerned about the time my young teenage boys spend on phones/computers and have learned so many methods to connect with them more and make a simple but effective change to our daily lives that can bring us closer and lower their anxiety levels and improve quality of life… So many necessary reminders and highlights that sometimes go forgotten. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!”


The Happily Family Difference

Based on decades of scientific research, personal and professional experience

Let’s be honest there are a lot of parenting programs out there. What makes the Parent Teen Connection program unique?

Our courses are solidly grounded in child development, attachment theory, interpersonal neurobiology, emotional and social intelligence, and the study of relationships. We’ve interviewed some of the biggest names in parenting on the planet, but we also have decades of lived experience raising our own kids, so we understand how hard it is!


This is not just a course, it’s a coaching program. For a whole year, you’ll have access to Cecilia, Jason, and other parent coaches who will keep you unstuck and moving forward.


Interactive Sessions
This program is taught live. In addition to the modules, you will have the option to participate in implementation sessions to ask questions and get coaching, and personal feedback, every step of the way. Can’t attend live? Post your questions and watch the replays.


Parenting can be lonely, especially when your teen is struggling. In the Parent Teen Connection program you will be surrounded by other parents who are on the same path you are or just a few steps further down the road.


Bonus Training
While the bulk of the course is focused on connection and communication, you will have access to a library of expert interviews on “hot topics” including school issues, anxiety, depression, self-harm, executive functioning, friend and relationship issues, drugs and alcohol, sexual health, screentime and social media

“I am deeply touched. The beautiful talks that you have brought to parents like me… is priceless. I have two teenage daughters and a 10-year-old son. Life's harshness sometimes overtakes our souls… I realized I was doing something wrong as a mom. [I] started my personal quest to be a better mother, a better version of myself. Since then I have read, listened, and practiced parenting techniques. I am so happy now and so are my kids. Thanks for bringing a treasure to people like me.”

Avneet K.

The Course

How to talk so your teen will listen

In the Parent Teen Connection program, we will show you how to:

Have Hard Conversations Well 
Communicate effectively as a whole family. Experience how to work together, understand each other more deeply and problem-solve together. You’ll get a structure for how to have connecting conversations even about tough topics. 

Tame the Triggers
No parent is perfect. Getting triggered or “flipping your lid” is an opportunity to look deeper. We will share a self-reflection process to identify the underlying cause of the trigger and put a solution in place, decreasing the chance of things going sideways in the future. Once you have worked through your own triggers, you can show up for your teens differently and even hold space for their triggers.

Practice Mindfulness 
Use practical strategies and mindfulness practices to get (and stay) grounded, so that your presence is attuned to and regulating for your teen. You’ll know what to do in-the-moment, and outside-the-moment to find your center and “be kind to your mind”.

But don't just take our word for it…

“As an individual as well as a parent, my life has been enriched listening to so much helpful information and advice from such fantastic experts. The sessions were so valuable, insightful and comforting. I cannot thank you enough. Both of you have made a difference [to] many parents and individuals, like me. Thanks for your dedication in making many families' lives happier and more rewarding.”

Melissa L.

Will This Work for Me?

When you join the Parent Teen Connection program these are the skills you’ll develop

Personal Emotional Regulation Plan
Develop an individualized plan for each family member, so that each person has self-soothing strategies that will prevent (or shortcut) a blow-up

Have Hard Conversations Well
Instead of walking on eggshells, you’ll know how to productively talk about the toughest topic(s) in your family with compassion and connection.

Solve Recurring Conflicts
Using a structured conversation process, your family will be able to communicate with each other, understand the perspectives of others, and create solutions that work for everyone involved.

Shift Problem-Solving to Calm Moments
Rather than trying to work things out “in the moment” reactively, you and your teen will shift to responsive, calm “outside the moment” conversations.

Show Up with Curiosity
Be a guide, don't control. When your teen makes a poor choice, instead of lecturing, you ask thoughtful questions. This approach encourages teens to think more deeply, and explore options, goals, and consequences; it taps into their inner wisdom and has them take responsibility.

Become a Trusted Ally
The strength of your relationship will make it more likely that your teen will turn to you for support to make healthy, productive choices.

Have an Unshakeable Core
You will have practices so you can be grounded and show up in the way you want–regardless of how your teen is doing, or what they are saying.

Have Healthy Boundaries
You are able to set healthy boundaries for how you want to be treated, your values, and how you’d like things to be cared for.

Complete Your Guilt, Grief, Anger
By understanding where these powerful emotions are coming from, you’ll be able to heal and complete these, so you can consciously respond to your teen instead of reacting.

“Wow!! Incredible! I have laughed and cried! But most of all I have come away with such an amazing renewed sense of who I am as a mom and how to continue the journey that I honor and cherish day after day. Thank you so much!”

Dana A.

Choose the Plan That’s Right For You


Bonuses to Keep You Going All Year

Personal Feedback on Questions and Assignments
When you fill out a worksheet and post it, or ask a question in the portal, you’ll get personal feedback, so you never have to wonder if you’re on the right track.

Quick Start Guides for each Module
After each session, you’ll receive key takeaways, action steps, and reflection questions. Use these guides for review or as an “executive summary” for yourself or a partner.

Annual Membership to The Village
The Village is where the community (and the course) happens. Get access to our online conference vault of interviews that we call the “Netflix of Parenting”. You’ll get a weekly Tea Time with a parent coach and monthly Q&A calls with Cecilia and coaches for an entire year.

10 Expert Interviews Focused on Teen “Hot Spots”

Brainstorm: The Power And Purpose Of The Teenage Brain

  • Dr. Daniel Siegel – Clinical professor of psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine, Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute, Co-author of Parenting from the Inside Out, the Whole Brain Child, No Drama Discipline

How To Prevent Addiction

  • Jessica Lahey – Teacher, Author of the New York Times bestselling book, The Gift of Failure and The Addiction Inoculation

How To Not Freak Out About Kids And Phones, Plus Practical Solutions

  • Dr. Devorah Heitner – Author of Screenwise: Helping Kids Thrive (and Survive) in Their Digital World and Growing Up in Public, Ph.D. in Media/Technology & Society from Northwestern University 

What To Say To Help Kids Be Resilient And Self-Motivated

  • Dr. William Stixrud & Ned JohnsonCo-authors of The Self Driven Child and What Do You Say? Dr. Stixrud is a clinical neuropsychologist. Ned is the founder of PrepMatters

Parenting A Teen In An Anxious World

  • Dr. John Duffy – Clinical psychologist, Author of The Available Parent and Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety, host of Undue Anxiety podcast

How To Raise A Differently Wired Child

  • Debbie ReberFounder of TiLT Parenting, Author of Differently Wired: Raising an Exceptional Child in a Conventional World, Parenting activist, New York Times bestselling author

The New Adolescence: Raising Happy And Successful Teens In An Age Of Anxiety And Distraction

  • Dr. Christine Carter  Author of The New Adolescence, Sociologist, Senior Fellow at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center

How (And When) To Talk To Kids About Sex

  • Amy Lang Sexuality and parenting expert, featured in The Wall Street Journal,, CNN, The Atlantic, and the Seattle Times

How To Support A Child On The Gender Spectrum And Why It Is Vital

  • Stephanie A. Brill – Founder of Gender Spectrum, Author of The Transgender Teen and The Transgender Child, featured on 20/20, Fox News, and The New York Times

What To Do If Your Child Self-Harms

  • Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart – Pediatric psychologist, parent coach for parents of teens with behavioral and emotional regulation concerns, ADHD, or anxiety
“Thank you so much for all the valuable and insightful information. It is SO very comforting to know you are supported and never, ever alone on this life, parenting journey!! It’s people like you that make such a huge difference. Thank you for sharing and caring! May you stay well and be blessed.”

Eli B.

Let’s Add It All Up…

Connected Parent – Teen
6 Modules about the Teen Brain, Having Hard Conversations Well, Emotional Regulation, Healthy Boundaries, Teen Motivation, etc.
6 Implementation Sessions 
Ask questions, get coaching from Cecilia and coaches, and personal feedback, every step of the way
($597 Value) FREE!
Personal Feedback from Assignments 
When you fill out a worksheet, Cecilia and parent coaches will give you personal feedback
($297 Value) FREE!
Quick Start Guides for each Module 
Get key takeaways, action steps, and reflection questions. Use these guides for review or an “executive summary”
($197 Value) FREE!
Online Conference Interview Vault
Access the “Netflix of Parenting” with over 250 interviews on nearly every parenting topic under the sun
($1970 Value) FREE!
Weekly Tea Time
Group calls with a parent coach for an entire year
($1,200 Value) FREE!
Monthly Q & A calls 
Group calls with Cecilia and coaches for an entire year
($1,200 Value) FREE!
10 Expert Interviews Focused on Teen “Hot Spots”
About the Teen Brain, Addiction, Screens, Phones, Resilience, Self Motivation, Anxiety, Neurodiversity, Distraction, Sex, Gender, and Self-Harm  
($297 Value) FREE!
Certificate of Participation 
If you are a foster or adoptive parent who needs hours, you’ll get a certificate after the program is complete
($200 Value) FREE!


Total Value: $5,958

Total One-Time Investment: $997

(Or start today for just $197/month)

Choose the Plan That’s Right For You

“Hi Cecilia and Jason, I want to say a heartfelt thank you. [My parenting] is getting deeper, clearer, yet lighter. More bite-sized and digestible. It stays with me… There is no way around doing our deep inner work… I just had a meeting with my son's teacher… I was able to show up in a warm and connected way, yet not shrink back from any of the potentially tough questions… I left the fear and charge behind and bought only openness and attention. I was most wonderfully supported by the modeling you and Jason did… Thank you! …With immense appreciation & love.”


We’ll keep this simple. Your investment is covered by our 100% money-back guarantee. You have a full 14 days from your purchase to make sure that this is the right program for you. If you decide that it isn’t, just let us know and we’ll gladly refund your money. No hoops to jump through. No hassles. Just email us at
“From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank all those that made this possible. Thank you for enriching our lives and may all parents grow from strength to strength because of this knowledge. Love from South Africa.”

Saleema D.

Will It Work For You?

The people who’ve had success in our programs usually fall into a few broad categories:

  • Parents who’ve used a connected, conscious approach to parenting for years, but the teen stage has left them feeling wobbly, or falling back into old patterns when things get hard.
  • Parents who’ve seen that the “carrots and sticks”, top-down disciplinary approach wasn’t working for their child, and want to use a connected, conscious approach instead. 
  • Parents of kids who are “extra” in some way (e.g. neurodivergent, have anxiety or moods, learning differences, giftedness) 
  • Grandparents, family members, step-parents, adoptive or foster parents who want to be supportive and connected to the teens in their family
  • People who work professionally with kids, such as teachers, therapists, babysitters, or coaches, who want to use a conscious approach in their work with children and teens.

What People Are Saying

Frequently Asked Questions

blank entry so all are closed
How much time do I need to complete the course each week?
The bulk of the content is released in the first 6 weeks, and it takes about 1-2 hours per week to get through it. But you don’t have to do it all in “real-time”.

The program is designed so that you take it at your own pace, and still get plenty of support in Q&A calls and the community.

Some parents will want to move quickly; others prefer to take more time. Either way, you have year-long access to the online Parent Teen Connection program and the community so there is no need to rush.

How long will I have access?
The Parent Teen Connection program: 1-year Access

Implementation Calls: 6 weeks of coaching, recorded replays for 1-year.

The Village community (weekly coaching Tea Times, monthly Q and A sessions, vault of expert parenting interviews): 1-year Access

What age child is the course for?
Adolescence is considered to start around age 10 and continue until around age 25–when the pre-frontal cortex of the brain is fully developed. We are going to focus on the experience of parenting teens (13-19 year olds). However, the concepts that we talk about can certainly be applied to parenting younger or older kids.

We know that there are parents of 11 and 12-year-olds who are struggling with “teen issues”. And parents of young adults will be able to relate to a lot of the topics discussed.

You can ask questions specific to your children in the community and Q and A calls, no matter what age

Can I do the course with my partner?
Absolutely! You can do the course together and attend the live sessions together. We ask that you purchase one course per family and do not share the materials otherwise.
Can I enroll if I am a teacher, coach, therapist, grandparent, or family member, etc?
YES! This program is perfect for anyone who is helping to raise teens or working with them professionally.

We believe that the more teens feel connected to those around them, the better it is for our whole community!

It takes a village!!

Will I get a certificate of participation or continuing education credit?
This program is intended for personal development. You will get a certificate after the program is complete. If you are a foster or adoptive parent who needs hours, this program may qualify.
My teen has a diagnosis (anxiety, autism, ADHD, etc). Will this course be suitable for me?
The concepts that we talk about in the Parent Teen Connection program are pretty universal because in the end, it comes down to connection, communication, listening, regulating feelings (our own and holding space for our child’s feelings), and problem-solving together.

Every child is different and you may need to adapt the techniques to fit your child and your situation. If you have questions about how to apply any of the concepts to your situation you can reach out to us for ideas in the community forum.

Are the materials downloadable?
Yes, worksheets and handouts can be downloaded. Videos and audio recordings are only available online and are easy to access on a mobile device, making them perfect for learning on-the-go.
What is the refund policy?
We’ll keep this simple. Your investment is covered by our 100% money-back guarantee. You have a full 14 days from your purchase to make sure that this is the right program for you. If you decide that it isn’t, just let us know and we’ll gladly refund your money. No hoops to jump through. No hassles. Just email us at and we will take care of you.
What if I can't attend the live sessions?

No problem! If you can’t be on live, you can send us your questions beforehand!

Plus all of the live calls will be recorded and inside the membership portal. You can visit them over and over again at the time that is most convenient for you.

Implementation & Coaching calls are offered at a variety of times on different days to accommodate people in different time zones.

At any time–for an entire year–you can leave questions for us in the community membership portal and jump on the weekly live calls.

What if I need help? Is coaching included in this program?
One of the best parts about the Parent Teen Connection program is the coaching and support you get within the program. You’ll be able to join either a Tea Time or a Q and A call every week for a full year… that’s 4 opportunities each month to get your questions answered, share ideas, and get feedback within the community.

Not only are we dedicated to helping you on these calls, but we also help out and answer questions in the portal.

What can you tell me about privacy and confidentiality?
We want you to feel safe and comfortable sharing whatever is going on in your life. That is why the Parent Teen Connection program is accessed in a secure online platform.

Only the parents of teens who have bought the program will be in the community. This means you are among other parents who know (or can imagine) what you’re going through.

It’s a safe space. Because of that, we will be sharing pretty openly about our experiences. To the extent that we can, we also want to normalize what parents of teens are going through right now. Anytime someone shares vulnerably it is truly a gift to the whole community and will be received that way – with love, compassion, and respect.

And you can have any level of privacy that you like. You do not need to mention your child’s name or any identifying information. You can direct message us or a coach if you don’t want to post a question publicly.

We love to see people’s faces, and we will remember you better if we can see you. If history proves, we expect that most people will have their cameras on during live calls (one mom even had her camera while she was working – as a window washer on high-rise buildings!). But you do not need to turn your camera on.

The program does not use any social media. There is no collection of personal information by us or anyone else. There are no ads in the program or community.

The modules, implementation calls, and Q and A calls will be delivered live, recorded, and posted in the portal. Tea Time calls are not recorded.

How does your program help if my child is engaging in risk-taking behavior (self-harm, suicidal ideation, sex, drugs and alcohol, etc)?
We are parents and coaches, not mental health professionals. This program is not intended to prevent, diagnose, or treat anything. While we include expert interviews who address many of these difficult topics, we do not have the credentials to address mental illness, substance use, eating disorders, etc.

The concepts that we talk about in the Parent Teen Connection program are pretty universal because in the end, we believe almost everything can be improved with connection, communication, listening, regulating feelings (our own and holding space for our child’s feelings), and problem-solving together. Whatever you are dealing with in your family, we feel confident that the techniques we teach are unlikely to make things worse.

However, this program is not a substitute for therapy, medical advice, or behavioral health support. This program should not take the place of advice you’ve been given by medical professionals.

If you or your child is experiencing a mental health emergency, please reach out to your doctor, or crisis hotline, or seek out services in your local community.

My question isn't listed here, how can I get in touch?
Please email your question to We are a tight-knit team, we will do our best to reply to your email within 1-2 business days.